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American Image has provided information to you. In providing that information, American Image does not assume any liability as a result of the use of that information. Each activity has its own potential hazards, which need to be evaluated for each person based on that person's circumstances.

By your use of this information, you recognize the foregoing and agree to hold harmless American Image from any liability as a result of your use of the information. American Image makes no representation or warranty regarding results you may obtain from using any information, materials, products or services offered on the American Image Web site.

Use of the American Image site is at the user's sole risk. Under no circumstances should American Image be responsible for incidental or consequential damages or direct or indirect damages that result from your use of the information on the American Image site. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages; therefore, this disclaimer is limited to the extent of disclaimer permitted under these states' laws